Own an Airbnb Home? Top Tips to Keep the Guests Coming

If you operate an Airbnb, then you know that it is important to keep guests coming back repeatedly. After all, your rental rate and your occupancy rate determines how much money you make from your vacation property rental. Here are four tips that you may want to consider to increase your return guest rate.

Create a Local Flair

Customers like to stay in an Airbnb property that has a local flair. Therefore, think about why visitors are choosing your location and incorporate aspects of those ideas into the interior of the home. For example, if you are located near a Major League Baseball park, then use team photos and other memorabilia to decorate the interior space. Alternatively, if you located near historical settings, feature those in the interior space. Additionally, leave brochures and other written material making it easy for guests to know how to get from your property to the attraction.

Consider Guest Needs

Almost every Airbnb features luxurious bathrobes, complimentary internet and free cable television. In order to increase your return guest rate, think about extra luxuries that you can offer your guests. One of the best ways to do this is to use the guest’s profile on Airbnb to learn a little more about them. For instance, if they have a baby, then you may want to offer a basket of baby toys or a playpen. Alternatively, if the guest is in a wheelchair, then you may want to make sure that all essential items in the kitchen are an appropriate level. Going the extra mile often means the guest chooses to stay with you again.

Update Luxuries

Spend a little time thinking about what luxuries you can provide your guest that they will enjoy. Consider displaying a bouquet of fresh flowers in the main living room. Luxurious bedding is often a welcome relief after a full day of sightseeing. Business travelers often enjoy having extra chargers in case they forget their own. Gourmet foods and drinks from the local area are often a great way to show guests that you care about them.

Increase Curb Appeal

It is impossible to replace the impression that guests get the first time they see the property, so make sure that it is a positive one. Hire an irrigation company, like Hydro-Tech Irrigation Co., to make sure that everything stays green throughout the year. Use perennials with a long blooming time to add a touch of color to your property. Make sure that the outside is clean and well maintained. Keep the Airbnb property painted and repaired.

There are many different ways that you can increase your return guest’s rate. Use these ideas as a springboard to come up with your own plans for your property.