Feisty Tips for Home Owners! Sell Property at Excellent Prices

Selling a house is now easy for homeowners. If you are looking for solutions to “sell my property”, then you are in luck. You do not have to fall prey in the hands of the Real Estate Agents anymore. The reason why so many people are looking for options to sell their properties themselves is because of fraudulent activities by Real Estate Agents. Another reason is the hefty fee that they charge on every property they sell. About 6 to 8 percent of the market value of a property assessed is their price for helping you get a potential buyer.

For homeowners selling houses on their own, here are some tips for you:

Know the Price of Your Property:

Evaluate the property correctly. You have to know the correct price of the value of your property. For this you have two options; use an online asset calculator or meet real estate agents. Hold up! Yes, by meeting a real estate agent you can know the value of your property well. By no way, it means you have to hire them. Just talk and ask about your property. Also, do not get the quote from just one agent. Meet 2 or 3 as that will help you to decide the property value better. Also, agents have a way of sugar-coating things because they are assuming that you would hire them. Do not fall for the sweet talks as your agenda is only to get the price.

The second way is by using online estate agents. There are websites that offer services where you can know the price of your property accurately. But, still there can be few dollars up or down. Only use online services to get a rough idea. The final decision is always yours to make!

Repair and Maintenance:

You can increase the value of your property if it is in good condition. Repair and maintenance is a must. Fix all the plumping pipes and leakages, Re-paint the walls if requires. Shave the gardens and maybe plant few flowers just for the aesthetic appeal. Clean the cupboards and de-clutter the house. Make sure your windows are shining and the hinges are working. If any door or drawer is making squeaking sounds, fix it. Your buyer may not like that and set a negative impression instead. The more you can keep your house in good condition, the better the chances of selling it at a higher price.

People often take repair and maintenance for granted. When you are going to show the house to the buyer, they are going to check each and every detail. If they have to repair a few things, they will ask to lower the price as your home has problems. So if you want to avoid this, take care of the maintenance of the house.

Advertise on popular websites:

The only way you can make a smart selling is by listing your property on popular websites online. More and more buyers get active on property websites that are trusted and well-known. This way the buyer and seller both stay protected as the services offered by these websites usually enclose a document. You get the exposure to list your property and showcase it to a wider audience. This cannot be possible by hiring a real estate agent because maybe the connections the Agent may have can be limited. It can take a long time for a property to sell. If you advertise it online, the chances are brighter that the property will get sold much quickly.


Hire a professional photographer if you have to, but make sure that the photographs of your house are clear. The first impression that a buyer will have of your house is through the photographs posted online. Take proper pictures, highlighting key aspects of your house. Make sure that each room photo that you click shows clearly how it is like. Angle the camera in such a way that the maximum is covered. The lighting of the house should be proper while clicking pictures. Show the true images of your house and do not manipulate with picture effects. Show the real house like the color of the walls, designing, furniture, assets, cabinets and more. Usually, people add effects while clicking pictures from their smartphones. That will deteriorate the quality, and also if the images stand out different from reality, the buyer may get a bad impression of you. The buyer may not trust you and you can lose a good deal in that case.

The above tips are the basics that should be followed thoroughly when it comes to homeowners selling houses. Portray your house beautifully and prepare it well for selling. Make it aesthetically pleasing and highlight its features well. Some houses have wonderful woodwork done, so warmish it before you show it to the buyer. Small things count because the changes that you apply to make the house look good will add to its value. Preparing a house is the most important step as without that none of the efforts are worth it. Your property may lie vacant for years and years to come. So do know that the only way to sell the house on a higher price is by keeping it well maintained.

People searching with queries like “sell my house” are often looking for prospects that can benefit them with good prices. A lot of websites will show up asking you to hire a real estate agent. But, as a homeowner, your priority in today’s time should be selling it on your own. The world is changing and now you don’t have to hire a real estate agent.

Why give commission when you can do it yourself? Why fall for false promises and lies?

These are a few things to think about! You have vast exposure when you step online. Advertise your house well on the websites and have control over the decisions without any mediator. You will be the sole decision-maker where nobody can play tricks with your hard-earned money.