4 Healthy Home Solutions That Will Improve Your Living Environment


Home renovation is an ideal time to create a more modern and healthier living environment. Just think about it, homeowners in the past didn’t build environmentally-friendly homes because they simply didn’t know better. That is why so many households from the 1950-90s have problems with asbestos, lead, and so on.

Today, we know how to build ‘healthy’ homes and what materials to avoid. So, if you want to breathe cleaner air in your house, reduce your energy bills, and even have your own little garden, read on. Here, you will find all necessary tips to create a healthy and green home environment.

Fresh coat of paint


As we mentioned in the introduction, lead in paint is a serious problem in houses and apartments that were built before the 2000s. You see, in the past, we didn’t have regulations for how much lead is allowed in paints. In fact, we didn’t even know that lead in paint can be a hazard to our health. After realising that it can cause serious health problems, especially with kids and pregnant women, countries from all around the world decided to regulate the contents of house paints.

However, old homes still stand tall, and if you haven’t repainted yours in the last couple of decades, chances are that there is a high content of lead in it. So, you should give a fresh coat of paint to your house immediately. Just remember that inhaling lead paint can cause serious health problems, so either hire professionals or wear a mask and other protective gear while scraping the old paint from your walls.

Mountain air

While you are doing home renovation work, why not update your air filtration system as well? Let’s not lie to ourselves; the air in urban areas of the United States is not of the best quality. Sure, it’s not like in the world’s capital of air pollution Zabol, but all that brake dust, carbon gases, etc. can cause serious respiratory problems.

So, if you want to have ‘mountain’ air inside of your home, you will need to install a proper air filtration system. While those small portable systems might work for single room apartments, if you live in a big house, you should consider installing a HEPA system. They will clean your air from all airborne contaminants.

Fresh vegetables and spices

Another great healthy home improvement is to plant your own garden. Many households in urban areas don’t use their backyard to its fullest potential. But what you probably don’t know is that you can turn your unused backyard into a lovely and eco-friendly garden with minimal effort. No, gardens are not exclusive to farms; you can plant them pretty much anywhere.

For example, Sydney’s soil is excellent for gardening. Australian sunlight is enough for any plant and with regular watering, they won’t dwindle out. Furthermore, gardens are not as demanding as people think. Sure, initially, you will have to clean up your backyard and remove the debris from renovations, but fortunately, there are many companies offering professional rubbish removal in Sydney. They will come to your address, pick up all the debris, and get rid of it in an eco-friendly manner. After that, you can begin planting vegetables, flowers, spices, or anything else that you want.

Green energy

Finally, the most popular eco-friendly and healthy home improvement is to switch to green energy. Solar panels and residential windmills are the most popular renewable energy systems. This will not directly benefit your health like a garden and removing lead paint. However, by installing a green energy system, you will reduce your carbon footprint. The best part, having even one solar panel will help you reduce your electricity bill.


Making your living environment healthier, even a little bit, should be the main priority of every household. People often think that green energy solutions and healthy home improvements cost a fortune. But as you can see from these four examples, that is not quite true. So, the next time you start doing some renovations around your home, make sure you don’t forget about these healthy home improvements.